
Megatech-Vulkan Dispatch


All the way back in March, I wrote that I thought a text-mode game would be a good next step after my little Tic-Tac-Toe project. When it came time to decide on something to work on, I actually did attempt this. I wanted to write a little NCURSES role-playing game. Unfortunately, I quickly lost interest. The big problem was that there simply isn’t a reliable why to retrieve keyboard input from the NCURSES interface. I tried using a different library (notcurses) to resolve this, but I was left feeling that my needs just didn’t map to the capabilities that were actually available.

In the same post where I wrote about wanting to write a text-mode game, I also wrote that I was tempted to go back to OpenGL or Vulkan. Well, obviously, that’s what I ended up doing. After becoming frustrated with NCURSES, I decided to simply return to a topic I find interesting. I thought it would be fun to return to writing my own Vulkan API tool-kit.

Previously, when I’ve attempted this type of project, my eyes have been bigger than my stomach. To help keep everything grounded in reality, I decided to focus exclusively on Vulkan and start at the most basic level. In my opinion, the most basic level of Vulkan functionality is just preparing to access the API.

The Problem

Before a Vulkan program can do anything interesting, it needs to discover function pointers to the commands that it’s going to use. Usually, a program can just link the Vulkan loader library and let the operating system’s run-time linker resolve the core Vulkan commands. Unfortunately, the Vulkan specification says this:

Vulkan commands are not necessarily exposed by static linking on a platform.

This means that, with only one exception, applications might be required to resolve Vulkan commands using vkGetInstanceProcAddr. The singular exception is, of course, vkGetInstanceProcAddr itself. On this, the specification provides some clarification:

vkGetInstanceProcAddr itself is obtained in a platform- and loader- specific manner. Typically, the loader library will export this command as a function symbol, so applications can link against the loader library, or load it dynamically and look up the symbol using platform-specific APIs.

There is actually a second issue though. In addition to the above bits, the Vulkan specification says:

In order to support systems with multiple Vulkan implementations, the function pointers returned by vkGetInstanceProcAddr may point to dispatch code that calls a different real implementation for different VkDevice objects or their child objects. The overhead of the internal dispatch for VkDevice objects can be avoided by obtaining device-specific function pointers for any commands that use a device or device-child object as their dispatchable object.

To summarize all of this, a Vulkan application should do two things in the name of portability and performance. First, it should always resolve Vulkan commands using one of the two available resolvers (i.e., vkGetInstanceProcAddr or vkGetDeviceProcAddr). Any other method of accessing Vulkan is not guaranteed. Second, it should avoid resolving device-level functionality with vkGetInstanceProcAddr. Using vkGetDeviceProcAddr is better because it allows the application to avoid additional dispatch work each time it invokes a device-level command.

So, here’s the problem: how does a Vulkan application manage this in a way that doesn’t suck?

The Solution

My solution is a two-parter. First, there’s the Megatech-Vulkan Dispatch library. It’s a pretty simple C++20 library that stores Vulkan function pointers in arrays. Second, there’s a Python script that generates the actual lists of Vulkan commands used in the C++ library. This script is actually where a lot of the magic is happening.

The script, which is a part of the Megatech-Vulkan Dispatch Tools package, is used to extract information from the XML representation of Vulkan. The script reads the XML specification, parses it, and extracts the bits relevant to commands. At that point it reads and renders a Mako template to generate its output. The trick, in so far as any of this is a trick, is that the script understands enough of the Vulkan specification to provide the input template with very specific lists of commands. A user could, for example, ask it to only provide commands that are available in Vulkan 1.0, VK_KHR_surface, VK_KHR_xcb_surface, and VK_KHR_swapchain. The script also understands dependencies between Vulkan features. This means that if a user requests a feature but doesn’t request the feature’s dependencies, the script will report an error.

The library is all about keeping things simple. As I already said, its main job is to store function pointers in arrays. It’s not exactly rocket science. The library provides three dispatch table objects (one for each level of Vulkan functionality). When an application initializes a dispatch table, the library loads the function pointers for the corresponding level of functionality. To retrieve a function pointer the application queries the dispatch table using either an index (in the form of a scoped enumeration value) or a hash value (computed using the 64-bit FNV-1a hash function). In either case, the library prefers to resolve these operations at compile-time. Basically, the strategy is to pay for loading Vulkan commands up front so that applications don’t have to call vkGetInstanceProcAddr or vkGetDeviceProcAddr in their main loop.


Something I’ve been coping with a lot lately is realizing how obsessive I can be. I have a terrible time letting go of things, and it’s even worse when I’m being told I can’t do something. Vulkan is quickly becoming one of my obsessions. I simply can’t stand the idea that mastering it is too hard for me.

The dispatch problem is one I’ve tackled before (my previous project is VKFL), but I think this implementation is better considered than my previous work. Previously, I had used indexing as the exclusive method for accessing Vulkan commands. Since the library can be compiled with different sets of available commands, this could lead to an issue where an application would need to be recompiled any time the library changed. I guess a lot of software is that way ultimately, but the hash API that I’ve provided here solves the issue in this case. I think splitting the dispatch table up by level is a much better approach too. Previously, I had one dispatch table type that would be updated to use new functionality as it became available. This is fine for a Vulkan application with a single instance and device, but for multiple devices it permits some kind of weird behavior. The implementation I’ve used for this project, I think, is much clearer about what a client application should do (i.e., give each device its own table).

I’m not super enthusiastic about this Vulkan dispatch thing to be clear. To me this is just a good way to get back to thinking about Vulkan. Dispatch tables aren’t a huge technical achievement, but they are something I need to build further Vulkan tools. My actual interest is in building a highly configurable graph-based 3D renderer.

That isn’t to say I think this is bad work though. There are other solutions to this floating around out there. The two I’m familiar with most, Volk and vulkan.hpp’s DispatchLoaderDynamic, both have features I think are undesirable. Hopefully, Megatech-Vulkan Dispatch is useful to anyone who feels the more mainstream approaches don’t fit into their application. Even if my library doesn’t fit, I hope the generator script is at least instructive to some degree.

On a more personal note, I’ve been pretty up and down lately. Some days I’m feeling very positive and can get a lot done. Other days, I just end up sleeping. The killer heat here hasn’t helped in that regard. I’ll just keep drinking water and pushing forward though.

Writing these posts is always a struggle and I don’t get much done around them. Once, this is published though, I can get started on my next thing. Right now, I’m thinking of continuing on with Vulkan. If I get bored, I might switch gears to another game project instead. That’s just life, I try to focus on one thing but end up focusing on something else entirely.